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Towards a Sustainable Future: Equipping Stakeholders with Just Transition Training

Innovation Regions for a Just Energy Transition (JET) – Funded by IKI*

GIZ together with ILO**, an IKI JET consortium member, held the Just Transition Training program on 31 January – 1 February 2024 to enhance the capacity of stakeholders in national and subnational level. The training was attended by 29 stakeholders from tripartite and non-tripartite actors including representatives from Bappenas, Ministry of Manpower, and NGOs*** from East Kalimantan and South Sumatra. The training outlined the linkages of climate policies including coal phase out/down policies with labour market and social justice in green economic transformation. The training not only equipped participants with theoretical understanding of just transition but also giving them insight regarding the complexity of enabling conditions that are required to achieve a just outcome.

*International Climate Initiative by the German Federal Government
**International Labour Organisation
***Non-Governmental Organisations

Contact person: Ade Cahyat, Project Lead, IKI JET,

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