Supporting Indonesia's Energy Transition
German-Indonesian Energy Cooperation
Within its Vision 2045, Indonesia is set to become the 5th largest economy worldwide. Economic growth figures of annually 7% into significant energy demand expansion. Relying on hundreds of power systems across the archipelago, Indonesia faces the challenge to shift its existing carbon-intensive coal fleet towards green, decentralized power systems, hereby reaping the potential of its ample renewable energy resources. Recognizing the country’s critical role in achieving global climate targets, Germany acts as a strategic partner to Indonesia in its quests to decarbonize its energy sector by 2060 or earlier
Impact Stories

Powering more than 600 islands grid is a key challenges for Indonesia's energy transition. Since 2017, GIZ cooperates with PLN to conduct technical gridstudies in three regions. Together with PLN, we trained more than 450 system planners, operators and managers on variables RE grid integration.
Power System Planning & Operation Key partners: PLN Pusdiklat, PLN Div Sys, PLN
Bringing clean energy to islands, GIZ, since 2009, has worked to strengthen the capacity of 1,304 Mini Grids operators and managers, and supported the establishment of 2,959 productive use of energy at community level.
Sustainable Rural Electrication through Energy Mini Grids Key partners: MEMR, as well as MoIA, and CCMAINews and Articles
SETI Support to Industry
Sustainable Energy Transition in Indonesia (SETI) is a program that focuses on improving the sustainable energy transition ecosystem and decarbonization through developing integrated sustainable energy policies, piloting scalable and innovative demonstrations for industry and the built environment, and creating an innovative and applicable financing scheme
Energy Resilience through Public Private Partnership
March 21, 2024 Our Stories
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Society wide dialogues allow for an inclusive exploration on Indonesia's energy future. Discourses with religious, consumer, youth and women groups raise awareness on the benefit and challenges of the energy transition. Journalist training and teaching for the Futureinspire future leaders.
Stakeholder Engagement & Energy Transition Narrative Key partners: KTI/Bappenas, IESR, Civil Society, Media, Academia