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Optimising Waste-Based Bioenergy Utilisation from Agroindustries

Optimising waste-based bioenergy utilisation from agroindustries Strategic exploration of economic mitigation potentials through renewables (ExploRE) – Funded by IKI*

To reach the RUEN** target, the government of Indonesia is strengthening engagement with private sectors, particularly palm oil, sugar, and pulp and paper industries where bioenergy potential from waste is abundant. Based on the data recorded by ExploRE, Indonesia has at least 29,4 million tons biomass and 2,9 billion m³ biogas potential, or 8 times higher than that in the RUEN target. To optimise the mapping of this potential utilization, ExploRE collaborated with the Directorate of Bioenergy to organise discussion sessions and stakeholder visits in October 2023 in North Sumatera and Riau through focus group discussions and site visits to palm oil industry. The activities aim to collect and verify data related to various parameters in the quantification process of biomass and biogas utilisation. Similar events have also been conducted for sugar industry in December 2023 in East Java. Another series of activities will be organised in the first quarter of 2024 for pulp and paper industry.

*International Climate Initiative by the German Federal Government

**General National Energy Plan

Contact person: Rizma Kristiana, Advisor, ExploRE,

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