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Energy Resilience through Public Private Partnership

Clean, Affordable and Secure Energy (CASE) for Southeast Asia – Funded by IKI*

Malang, 18th December 2023 – CASE revisited the SEF** Dialogue, supporting the implementation of PPP*** Schemes at the National and Regional Levels to support the achievement of energy resilience in Indonesia. SEF Dialogue this year collaborates with PT. PII****, this collaboration has brought forward the importance of alternative financing schemes, including PPP, to approximately 59 participants from regional governments across East Java. The dialogue reiterated the commitment from PT PII to continue its support toward the regional government in accelerating the implementation of clean energy infrastructure projects, including street lighting projects. Hence, it highlights the need for collaborative efforts between the government and private sector to strengthen fiscal capacity in financing clean energy projects to ensure their affordability for the public.

*International Climate Initiative by the German Federal Government
**Sustainable Energy Finance
***Public Private Partnership
****PT (Limited Liability Company) Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia

Contact person: Gandabhaskara, Communications Lead GIZ ID/ASEAN,

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